2014. március 7-9. Vác, Magyarország
League of Legends West csapatok:
Phoenix Reborn: IQ, infection04, KukszO, BandeSZ, YYF467, WannabeG0D
Death Faction Multigaming: Araira, Koeles, Seffer, Gregoryan, Multiplexerr, bluerZOR
My Little Pony: Skitzo, Rixyke, mLp Mëxx, mLp pRiNceSs, Iseec, Poiler
Aurorage: pinGu`, G4BB1, paiN DeviLPwN, Tallycat, keep calm and take that pill, Northwestern
w.I.w.-GAMiNG: NGRR, AuraSama, Ssamuss, Taz, Sütike
CryCore Gaming: WutyeK., KunDi, General, Vadii, M4G1C, Almighty Boss
greedy force: LoC, Tsudaro, chxPiNGWiN, kisgempa, C4L1, dudikaaa
WiLD.CMStorm: gEtRoiTzU, Exworm, Kriszkikessz, gendan, Szipus Älfonz
TeamSoloQ: Technoviking, Sas145, exnon, TheFakeRasta, elitg Synergy
CryCore Gaming Beta: HoRRRy, Grefyke, GabohuN, Drubert, yadamp
Underdogs: DangerousNarwahl, TiTUSDeant, oxiide, Zombbee, kolodf24
Wasteland Heroes: Till, vikR, Des4ult, Dr PostasJozsef, MarineHBS
Always On Killing Spree: Raidz, G4box, PuturlandO'3, PECOS, RAYERZ
rsgxbxwEgsfdgxbgf: Robusto, crashzjee, TigerS, winzervicious, Loxigar
Tökös-Mákos Muffinok: Dugo, geller, Deadmanoob, LifeFish, Xodiaz
eSport Hungary: Saxer, mynameisBRO, Marrow
Dota2 csapatok:
GAME IS HARD: anyMmal, HIENA, RizzA, the_4nswer, HellCaT, Gomez
RAGE eSports: 428, Rawne, OnMyWay, Nadaj, Valesh
Aurorage: Skyline, vesztes, GhostPunk, hosid, Independent
Exum: LumberJack, TrueBeliever, Haromszog, Gin, Loordoo
WiLD.CMStorm: m0rph, tico, Pilotakeksz, dekar, VITYO
Evil Nine: R4in, ezcapa, Yety, Kakipu, macH
eXper1encE: VARAZSLOO, haraposlo, szake, Solid, sperik
Links: n/a