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COVERAGE - ESL SEEC Season 1 Finals

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2015. május 8-10. Bukarest, Románia

images/games/csg.gif Counter Strike Global Offensive csapatok:

Bulgaria Gplay: bubble, dream3r, nkl, spyleader, v1c7oR
Hungary Team ROCK: boco, bodito, FLASH, RAISY, ZEN
Romania XPC Gaming: r1d3r, REAL, remkez, starkiller, SEMINTE
Turkey Space Soldiers: e1, marqnue, ONLY, TuGuX, XANTARES

images/games/LoL.gif League of Legends csapatok:

Bulgaria Gplay
Greece Different Dimension
Greece Void Gaming
Romania WASDro

images/games/hs.gif Hearthstone játékosok:

Bulgaria BGnikiBG
Bulgaria superlub0
Hungary deadfair
Romania Nihilum.Rdu

Links: • ESL SEEC

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