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COVERAGE - League Championship Series Sum.

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images/games/LoL.gif EU végeredmény:

img/1.png European Union Alliance (Wickd, Shook, Froggen, Tabzz, Nyph) $50.000
img/2.png European Union Fnatic (sOAZ, Cyanide, xPeke, Rekkles, YellOwStaR) $25.000
img/3.png European Union SK Gaming (fredy122, Svenskeren, Jesiz, Candy Panda, nRated) $15.000
4. Poland Team ROCCAT (Xaxus, Jankos, Overpow, Celaver, Vander) $10.000
5. European Union Supa Hot Crew (Mimer, Impaler, Selfie, MrRalleZ, KaSing)
6. European Union Millenium (Kev1n, Kottenx, Kerp, Creaton, Jree)
7. Russia Gambit Gaming (Darien, Diamondprox, niQ, Genja, Edward)
8. European Union Copenhagen Wolves (YoungBuck, Airwaks, cowTard, Woolite, Unlimited)

images/games/LoL.gif NA végeredmény:

img/1.png United States Team SoloMid (Dyrus, Amazing, Bjergsen, WildTurtle, Lustboy) $50.000
img/2.png United States Cloud 9 (Balls, Meteos, Hai, Sneaky, LemonNation) $25.000
img/3.png China LMQ (ackerman, NoName, XiaoWeiXiao, Vasilii, Mor) $15.000
4. United States Team Curse (Quas, IWillDominate, Voyboy, Cop, Xpecial) $10.000
5. United States Team Dignitas (ZionSpartan, Crumbzz, Shiptur, Imaqtpie, KiWiKiD)
6. United States Counter Logic Gaming (Seraph, Dexter, LiNK, Doublelift, Aphromoo)
7. United States Evil Geniuses (InnoX, Helios, Pobelter, Altec, Krepo)
8. United States compLexity Gaming (Westrice, Kez, PR0LLY, ROBERTxLEE, Bubbadub)

Links: • LoL Esports

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